web2.0 notes day 1, afternoon (October 2005)

h2. AttentionTrust.org board meeting * Stan James — guy from outfoxed.com is developer, that outfoxed is about people getting trusted information from people they trust. * diffreence between explicit and implicit information gathering * where do you spend your time? that some places you spend the most time may not be bookmarked or show up in other ways of gathering attention * that servers/services have to be attention trust compliant * sending your data to a service is not mandatory * lot of discussion what attention.xml is and is not and what the foundation does and does not do. * the a variety of groups and services already capture attention, this gives the user a way of captureing their own "attention" and doing something with it. * rojo networks an early partner for attentiontrust * collecting title, url, cookie sent, cookie set, http response code, * that this is related to but separate from attention.xml. * some confusion over what data is actually collected. What happens if there's PII in the URL being recorded? * basically, the gyst is this: record the clickstream of a user, whatever that may entail, and make it available to data providers / processors * what problem does this solve? * no discussion about privacy implications   h2. LaunchPad p. 13 companies talk up their products and prospects. Each had six minutes to make their pitch. * "Socialtext":http://socialtext.com/ — enterprise wiki. built on open source, releasing code as open source. * "Rollyo":http://rollyo.com/, Dave Pell — roll your own sarch engine. Can create a site specific search, offer that as something as others can use to search. * "Joyent, Inc.":http://joyent.com/ , David Young — web based office for small groups. email, calendar, data sharing. all Ajax based. * "Bunchball":http://bunchball.com/, Rajat Paharia — shared infrastructure for social applications built around MacroMedia Flash * "RealTravel":http://realtravel.com/, Ken Leeder — travel web site built around Ajax / web 2.0 concepts. Users can create journals of travels, users can search such journals, or conduct general search an duse journalled content to amplify or illuminate search results * "Zimbra":http://zimbra.com/, Satish Dharmara — Ajax mail * "Zvents":http://zvents.com/ , Ethan Stock — event listing service * "KnowNow":http://knownow.com/, Ron Rasmussen — instant notification of any feed based content via desktop (windows?) application * "Orb":http://orb.com/, Ian McCarthy — access data on home systems via any remote client (er, where any is a windows client). Also X10 connectivity to home automation systems * "Wink":http://wink.com/, Michael Tanne — "People Powered Search". Tag sites of interest, rate their relevance to your search query, block irrelevant or spam sites. Use tags to rank pages (they have trademarked the term "TagMark") * "Allpeers":http://allpeers.com/ Matthew Gertner — Web 2.0 development platform. Built atop Firefox. Aggregation of metadata (relevant to earlier SXIP and attentiontrust discussions) for use on/with web sites and applications, web page annotation tool (remember ThirdVoice?) * "Flock":http://www.flock.com/, Bart Decrem — social browser, new browser built around Mozilla platform. * "PubSub":http://www.pubsub.com Bob Wyman — Interestingly, they talked not about PubSub but about microformats and structured blogging. Trying to get people to use structured blogging, which PubSub in turn uses to improve various results and recommendations

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